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Nostril is a stop-motion animated short film about Lala, a sleep-deprived woman kept awake by her husband’s obnoxious snoring. When the sound becomes so powerful that it quite literally sucks her into his nose, Lala finds herself in a terrifying battle against the boogery germ creatures that dwell within. Blending comedy and horror, Nostril looks at the things we put up with for love, highlighting relationship struggles with a light-hearted tone.

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The Trailer:

Film by
Michael Dondero & Shengnan Dong

Michael Dondero

Production Designer:
Shengnan Dong

Dondero, Dong_02_Credit_ Nir Arieli (1).jpg

The Creators:

Michael Dondero is an Emmy-award winning film-maker, animator, and writer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and based in Brooklyn, NY. Learn more about Michael on his website , IMDB and on instagram.

Shay Dong is a 3D Character designer/3D generalist who specializes in game design, fine art, animation, and toy production. To learn more, visit her website and follow her instagram.

Style Development



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